The landscape in Camargue is characterized by the double influence of
water and salt : irrigation water is diverted to the north of the delta
while the sea water introduced for the production of salt increases the
salinity of the ground in the south. There are several types of
environments: dunes, pools, marshes, saltwort, grass, grasslands and
Humids environments take up 84% of the natural
environments, aquatic vegetation is very abundant in Camargue, there’s a
large variety of reeds (such as the “sagne” used for building the roof
of “guardians” ’huts.) and yellow iris and water crowfoots flower in
The grazing by « manades » (livestock) of bulls and
horses permits the development of a carpet of “saladelles” (sea
lavenders) while several species of salwort cover the salted and
monotonous ground called “sansouire” this is an emblematic landscape in
The tamarisk is one of the few trees able to stand the salinity, there are groves all over the plain.
few forestations, called “ripisylve” which are close to the banks of
the Rhône consist mainly of white poplars, ashes and elms.